Thursday, December 9, 2010

2010 Canning Record

Peggy's Peaches
Green Beans.................50 quarts
Salsa...............................42 pints
Peaches.........................69 quarts
      (all from Peggy's tree)
Grape Juice....................69 quarts
      (19 from Ali's, 18 from Peggy's, 32 from mine)
Applesauce.....................11 quarts 

2009 Canning Record

Strawberry Jam....................10 pints
Raspberry Jam......................13 pints
Green Beans.........................36 quarts
Salsa.....................................16 pints
Peaches.................................18 quarts
Grape Juice...........................42 quarts
Stewed Tomatoes...................5 quarts
Applesauce.............................9 quarts

2008 Canning Record

Apricot Jam................24 pints
Salsa........................43 pints
Peaches....................52 quarts
Green Beans................9 quarts
Zucchini.....................10 quarts
Grape Juice................55 quarts
Stewed Tomatoes.........5 quarts

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Backyard Grape Juice

Colorful Fruit Room
I finally finished canning grape juice for the year yesterday.  I wanted to get as much as possible this year because we ran out of it last year.  I ended up with 69 quarts.  The grapes come from my sister-in-law Ali's yard, and mother-in-law Peggy's yard, and also my own backyard.  So thanks guys for your contribution.  And thanks to my mom who gets me going every year, who trained and taught me how to do it, and who bought me my juicer back in 2007.

I love the smell of the grapes growing in my backyard.  The vine climbs up a trellis providing beautiful scenery that makes me feel like I am in my own private Garden of Eden, my own little world.  For me, its a place where I can escape the busy city that surrounds us.  

Last week was ideal weather for picking grapes.  The sun was out and it was in the mid 60's- perfect for working outside.  I wish the beautiful fall weather would last another few weeks.  

The smell of the juice as it is steamed from the grapes is heavenly.  Its aroma fills up the house as I fill up my bottles.  We had some fresh juice for dinner last night.  It is the most delicious, mouth watering beverage, and my favorite.

Let's Try It

So I have this small dream.  A dream that I can write about and take pictures of the things I love most.  And that someone will be interested enough to read about them.  And I would hope to inspire or help someone.  If for no one else, this is for me.  So here goes.....