Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Spring Fever....I've Got it Bad

January feels like the longest month of the year to me.  And the weather outside is a chilly -2 degrees this morning.  Miserable.  Somehow I have to survive the winter and hopefully come March, things will start warming up a bit.  Until then all I can do is dream about sunshine and Spring....

My plants survived the winter!!
My growing iris patch- to remind me of my mom.
My absolute favorite garden treat-
 sugar snap peas.
Baby Leaves- A sight for sore eyes!
Look at the smattering of colors
with this climbing clematis front and center
Sweet, baby tulips and adorable, little grape hyacinth.  And I don't
even mind the pretty, yellow dandelions.... for now.
Crocus- usually the first evidence of life in the Spring
Such cheerful narcissus and wonderfully fragrant hyacinth flowers

I really am not a big flower person.  But I sure do enjoy spring flowers.  Maybe its because I don't have to water or care for them.  Two more months.  I can wait.  And I'm sure it will all be worth it.