Today we got our first snow fall of the year. I guess I can tolerate snow in November. Summer just went by so fast. I feel like I did not get to enjoy it to the fullest. I definitely did not get to garden to my heart's content. And I find myself already longing for warm weather to come back. This is not good since winter has just begun to show its ugly face. (Man! That's harsh.)
Shaylee Mae, cute little bug |
The reason I had an off year for gardening was because I had a sweet little baby in June. She is our sixth and last child. And although I am thoroughly enjoying her and love her to pieces, I did not get out to garden much this year.
Todd, counting peppers |
I grew weeds taller than the corn, which, by the way, blew over in a storm because I didn't get out there to hill it up in time. The only things I did grow successfully were peppers and pumpkins, which ended up taking over most of the garden. I got a few tomatoes too, enough for a couple of batches of salsa, which is mandatory. I did also can some peaches and a few beans- all done with the help of either my mom or some very good friends.
My mom recites a poem by Ruth Hulbert Hamilton about taking care of your baby because she is top priority. I have taken the liberty to change it up a bit.....
Gardening and canning can wait til tomorrow
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down garden. Weeds go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby. And babies don't keep.
There is always next year. And I am anxiously looking forward to it already.
Growing like weeds |
That top picture is so cute!